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Note To Self/ Purpose

Being transparent. You can talk around it, run and hide from it, deny it, cry and get mad about it, discredit and disclaim it, not...

Reprobated Mind

Repost from October 19, 2019 Studying Ezekiel 16 this morning and the study notes mentioned a reprobate mind (Romans 1:23), this is when...

Note To Self/ Secrets

This isn’t my lane, but I’m going to go there because I see how it impacts individual and collective purpose. About a month ago I had...

Note To Self/ Drive

For years you have talked about it, cried about it prayed about it, ran from it, denied it, made excuses and even got mad at God about it....

Connecting the Dots

*Jesus *The 12 Apostles *Christians from thousands of years ago to today. *You What do we all have in common? We are all Believers...

Self-awareness/Part 4

Today, finishing up on the topic of self-awareness. My opinion- the more you know about you, the more you will see opportunities to align...

Self-awareness/ Part 3

I keep posting on self awareness because it’s important. Your past impacts your present, your future and everyone you have relationships ...

I Know Who I Am

I have spent my entire life listening to other people tell me who they think I am. Some were my parents, friends, boyfriends, bosses,...


We make this so difficult to understand when really it's not. God created us because He loves us. He designed and made each of us for a...


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