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Online Class - Discover Your Purpose8 

Class Details

Discover Your Purpose8 (DYP8) is a course designed to support the book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose.  DYP is a Christian topic book on discovering your value and purpose (the reason God created us). The overall running theme of the book is that all people desire love.  When we don’t know how much God loves us we will turn to distractions (bad and elicit behaviors, sins, crime, etc.) as substitutes for that love. Once we understand God’s love for us, we can then understand that we have value and that God created us for a purpose.  Now as Believers we are compelled to discover or purpose (ex. teaching, writing, singing, ministering, helping, healing, etc.) and use it to further God’s will on earth, the first of which is loving each other.



Considering and then discussing that each of us are valuable and have a purpose-designed for each of us.  Guided conversation on life’s distractions that keep us from establishing/ strengthen our relationship with and hindering each of us from discovering our value and God’s purpose for our lives.



Includes reading the book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose and purchasing workbook - both are available for purchase by clicking the SHOP tab above.



Read book, complete Interactive Application sections at the end of each chapter, watch lecture videos and read class handouts.


Why Enroll?

Are you chasing after the world’s expectations?  Do you feel as if something is missing in your life? Do you feel frustrated, tired, stressed, or angry? Do you sometimes hear a voice directing you, but you choose to ignore it?  If you answered yes to any of these questions – you should read the book and take the class and be inspired to identify the distractions that are holding you from discovering God’s love, your value, and the purpose He wants you to fulfill.


Alumni Group

DYP class graduates are invited to join our Facebook group, Discover Your Purpose for group discussions and updates.

This class is designed to be a resource for:

  • Believers

  • Christian Bible classes

  • Christian workshops

  • Family discussions

  • Personal dialog


Phone: (248) 219-6685

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