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Note To Self/ Stay Focused

It’s that time of year when we hear about setting new goals, reaching for more and that’s all good (old school terminology). But don’t let the world set its demands and distract you from your purpose - the reason(s) you were created. If you know your purpose - then set God and His plans as a priority. Don’t know your purpose yet? Have you asked God that life-changing question, God, what is my purpose? If not, that should be your top priority. Asked but still waiting? Keep praying, keep making your mind and heart open so you can hear the Holy Spirit’s answer. There is a lot going on, but we have to be diligent and stay focused on what is really important- our relationship with God, telling others the Good News of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord, and being faithful to what God has called each of us individually to do. Stay focused. #changingthenarrativepurpose8institute #purposeFIRST




If you are new to the idea of purpose, I encourage you purchase my first book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Purpose videos on this website.


If you know your purpose, I encourage you to purchase my second book, Authentication Process (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Authentication Process on this website.


Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose and her second book, Authentication Process. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose Institute, an organization with a mission to share the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our everyday lives.


You can find more at:

Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8

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