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We make this so difficult to understand when really it's not.

God created us because He loves us. He designed and made each of us for a purpose that is to be fulfilled. We have free will to ignore that purpose or to fulfill it. You may not like or want your purpose, but it is still yours to fulfill.

A relationship with God is key in discovering your purpose, but first you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and surrender your will and your life to God. I know, this sounds scary to submit your life to God - but you have to realize that your life - is not really your life at all - its actually belongs to God. He is the Creator and all souls belong to Him. Once you make the commitment to submit your life to God and to follow Jesus Christ as your Teacher and Model, you will soon will find that you made the best decision of your life.

Submitting your life includes a daily surrender of old ways of thinking, bad habits, the past and personal hurts, toxic emotions, fear, pride, jealousy, insecurities, and removing yourself from the company of negative people, situations and things that distract you from establishing/strengthening our relationship with God and the purpose He has for your life.

Realize that we allow life distractions and strongholds to keep our attention because its easier for us to deal with what we know and have grown comfortable with, than to be courageous and truly consider that there is a better life ahead of us. And truly there is a better life filled will more love, understanding, peace, joy, freedom, value and purpose when we decide for ourselves to believe and accept God's love which He gives freely.

You can change the direction of your faith, you can have a closer relationship with God, but you will need to first make room for Him in your life, your mind and in your heart. You do this by making God the first priority in your life and applying His Word to your everyday life. As you turn your attention to your relationship with God, you will begin to see wonderful changes in your how you think and feel, how you love and interact with people and most importantly, how you love and value yourself. You will also experience a desire to finally accept God's call on your life - your purpose, the reason you were created.

Just to note, that not everyone was created to be a minister, an evangelist, teacher or whatever image you have in your head as to what your purpose may be. God designed each of us for a particular purpose and/or purposes which could occur over a lifetime or for a particular point in time. So please don't attempt to limit God's vision, open your mind and heart and be receptive to what God designed specifically for you and no one else.

God has been calling you all along; however, life's distractions and strongholds often make it difficult to hear Him or easy to ignore Him. Once you submit your life to Christ and opened your mind and heart, you will find it much easier to hear what the Holy Spirit has been telling you your entire life - your purpose.

With Love,

Brinda Devine



New book, Authentication Process available at:


If you are new to the idea of purpose, I encourage you purchase my first book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Purpose videos on this website.


If you know your purpose, I encourage you to purchase my second book, Authentication Process (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Authentication Process on this website.


Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose and her second book, Authentication Process. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose Institute, an organization with a mission to share the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our everyday lives.


You can find more at: @discoveryourpurpose8

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