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Get Back Up and Reset

Living a life of PURPOSE - is a lifestyle.

Many days you are on target and in God's presence. Other days, you are challenged spiritually.

So what.

Get back up, reset yourself, get back on your square and do what you are supposed to be doing for God.

Somebody is waiting to hear your testimony - either in you words, your actions and even in your Facebook posts.

With Love,

Brinda Devine

Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose. Her second book, Authentication Process is scheduled for release in 2020.

Brinda is also the founder of Purpose8 Institute, LLC a media organization with a mission to tell and teach the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our lives, our homes, our communities, and the world.

You can find more at:, and

Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8, and

Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8

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