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Generational Binds

Psalm 147:3, He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

We all have things that bind us.

Distractions, personal wounds, strongholds and for some generational hurts.

I recently had an interesting conversation with a person who we will label Person A. Person A has many bad habits and wounds and was raised by his mother, Person B - the mother was undoubtedly was exposed to her own personal drama and passed those same habits and wounds not just to her son, but to all of her children.

Each of Person B's children had children (her grandchildren), some of which lived out grandmama's habits and wounds because that is what they were taught.

Grandmama was the model, her children then exhibited the same bad habits and wounds and passed the same to their children.

I gave this illustration, because many of us have bad habits that bind us. We do things, exhibit behaviors because that is how we were raised, that is the model we learned and we unknowingly repeat the behavior, because that is what we were taught.

Some of us are bound and don't really know it.

Here are a few to consider: poor money management, lack of education, anger issues, drug use, lying, fearful, manipulation, greed, stinginess, depression, promiscuity, sexual abuse, mental abuse, no ambition, lack of self love, poor/ no parenting skills.

Person A wanted to judge and focus on the bad habits of his mother Person B, but I challenged him to go backwards and focus instead on who raised her, her role models, her personal experiences that made her bad habits and wounds, that cased her to sin, that created those strongholds in her life, that created generational hurts that expanded into three generations.

Judging Person B life is easy, the hard part is looking at yourself acknowledging where you fit in the cycle and how you have demonstrated and passed those same habits to your children. Then, we have to do the person work of breaking the binds that hold us by allowing God to - heal us with His love and His Word.

I ask you today to consider what is keep you bound and possibly keeping you from the greater plan, the purpose God has for your life.

Something to think about.

With Love,

Brinda Devine

Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose. Her second book, Authentication Process is scheduled for release in 2020. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose8 Institute, an organization with a mission to tell and teach the importance of discovering individual purpose in God's kingdom

You can find more at:, and on Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8

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