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A few months ago, I laid in a white sterile hospital bed after being prepped for a simple procedure on my right eye.

Looking up at the white ceiling tiles above I wondered, what if I was here in this hospital room under different circumstance stances?

What if I was here to die? I imagined how quickly it would be for my spirit to leave my body and return to God.

And, then I imagined that these moments here in this bed were my last and I suddenly felt a weight, a pressure seemingly push upon me. I quickly recognized the weight as anger that I had carried throughout my 56 years and thought what a waste I had committed my time to.

Then, I thought about the forgiveness I had chosen to hold on to and the weight above me became heavier as I laid flat on the white hospital bed.

Laying there, pressed to the bed, I finally realized what a fool I have been to waste so much time and emotions on people and situations that I once believed to be monumental and now discovered were trivial compared to what I had lost.

Laying in that bed I realized I don’t want my moments on earth or at death to be weighted down with foolish matters like anger, bitterness and thoughts of how I could have responded better, been a better person.

I learned a lot laying on that hospital bed. It's my responses to life that dictate whether I will be weighted down or the person God wants me to be - free.

With Love,

Brinda Devine

Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose. Her second book, Authentication Process is scheduled for release in 2020.

Brinda is also the founder of Purpose8 Institute, LLC a media organization with a mission to tell and teach the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our lives, our homes, our communities, and the world.

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Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8


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