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A few years ago, I had to work with a very jealous, manipulating person. This person and the environment they created of course caused me a lot of strife. Enough so that I thought I would lose my job. One morning after reading God's Word, I realized my response to this broken person was also driven by my own jealousy.

I looked up the definition of the word "jealousy" - to my surprise I had to acknowledge other feelings used to describe my jealousy.

Feeling such as: envy, covetousness; resentment, resentfulness, bitterness, spite; suspicion, suspiciousness, distrust, mistrust, insecurity, anxiety; possessiveness, over protectiveness;

So while I had focused on the jealousy and strife this person just seems to manufacture at will, it was nothing compared to what I have allowed to creep into my spirit.

In John 10:10, (ESV) - It says, the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.

Thank you Lord for wisdom, knowledge and discernment.

Yet another lesson to stay focused and keep my mind on the things of God.

With Love,

Brinda Devine

Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose. Her second book, Authentication Process is scheduled for release in 2020. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose8 Institute, LLC a media organization with a mission to tell and teach the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our lives, our homes, our communities, and the world.

You can find more, and Instagram

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