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The Power In Giving Someone the Benefit of the Doubt

Sometimes we jump to conclusions and make little problems, big problems by not giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

We all make mistakes, we have all been wrong, we have all made mistakes, but for some reason we think that others shouldn't make the same missteps.

The Word of God is not just applicable to you, it is applicable to everyone, the saved and the unsaved. When you feel you have been slighted, consider this - the person that offended you is human, they may be saved or not, they are still a person wounded in need of love and understanding - just like you.

Maybe your perspective would change if you considered maybe this person was not simply someone who offended you, but is a single mother working multiple jobs just to pay her bills, a husband grieving the lost of his wife, a teenager who has no father, a woman who was sexually abused. Their personal hurts don't offset their offenses, but it may gives you a perspective to to see them as a person instead of an offender and give them the benefit of the doubt.

In Ephesians 4:2-3 Good News Translation (GNT), the Apostle Paul states, "Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another. Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together".

Our human nature will desire to dwell on the offence, but in 1 Peter 3:8-9, (GNT), the Apostle Peter gives us direction - To conclude: you must all have the same attitude and feelings; love one another, be kind and humble with one another. Do not pay back evil with evil or cursing with cursing; instead, pay back with a blessing, because a blessing is what God promised to give you when He called you.

There is power in giving someone the benefit of the doubt:

1. It opens your mind to seeing a person as someone with flaws and challenges just like you.

2. It allows you to offer grace and mercy - just as God gives to you

3. It provides an opportunity to show God's glory in your behavior (this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!)

4. It gives you the power to change the atmosphere from strife, arguments and possibly anger to - peace.

Something to consider as you go about your day.

With Love,

Brinda Devine

Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose. Her second book, Authentication Process is scheduled for release in 2020. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose8 Institute, an organization with a mission to share and teach the importance of purpose first in our lives, communities and the world.

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Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8

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