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The Most Important Day of My Life

It is said that the 2nd most important day in your life is your "aha" moment, when you discover your purpose, the assignment God has given you to do while you are on this earth. I believe my "aha" moment is the most important day of my life.

My "aha" moment happened in July 2015 when the Holy Spirit told me my assignment was to tell people that they have value and purpose. Since then I have done a lot, but there is so much more to do.

I still celebrate my birthday, but now its not that important to me. Purpose has taken first position in my life. I consider my birthday now as the official day I was born, but for me the most important day of my life was the day the Holy Spirit whispered my assignment to me. For me, that is the day I started to really live.

Brinda Devine

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