Brinda Devine

May 8, 20191 min

Patient Process

I am not naturally a patient person.

I struggle with being patient in my pursuit of purpose, even though I know that God has ordered my steps.

I was thinking about my job which requires that I manage projects, some of which take weeks, months, years to complete. I wish I could complete them all in five minutes, but I can't because they require that I go through a process, a series of steps to complete them and I have to respect the process.

So, if I apply this same mindset to my pursuit of purpose, then I have to acknowledge that God knows what He is doing, the lessons learned cannot be rushed and that I have to learn to be patient and respect His process.

Patience leads to the perfection of His will.

With Love,

Brinda Devine




Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose. Her second book, Authentication Process is scheduled for release in 2020.

You can find more at:, and on Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8
