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The Calling/Preparation

Reading Ezekiel 4 this morning and pulled out 4 primary points about the prophet Ezekiel and Israel, taken from Jerusalem and made captives in Babylon because of their sin.

1. Being hardheaded/stubborn/and self righteousness can lead to your distruction. Solution: Listen.

2. Sin that you grow accustomed to can bind (key word) your mind, intellect and heart which will eventually lead to spiritual destruction. Solution: Pay attention to those “subtle” sins hid under the excuse - this is the way I’ve always done it or I was raised that way.

3. People respond more intently to images they can see over words they hear. Solution: Show better than you tell.

4. Purpose binds (key word) the faithful Believer. You may not understand everything your purpose entails, but you do know that it is your assignment to complete. Solution: Your purpose may look and sound crazy, make you uncomfortable and even afraid. The answer is still the same - submit to God’s will and follow.




If you are new to the idea of purpose, I encourage you purchase my first book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Purpose videos on this website.


If you know your purpose, I encourage you to purchase my second book, Authentication Process (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Authentication Process on this website.


Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose and her second book, Authentication Process. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose Institute, an organization with a mission to share the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our everyday lives.


You can find more at:

Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8

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