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Note To Self/ PURPOSE vs Resolutions

It's that time of year where if we are not careful, we can easily get caught up in what the world tells us to do (which often translates into spending money and trying to be someone other than ourselves) and make goals which are repackaged as - Resolutions

I want to change the narrative and offer a perspective you may have never considered, replacing the concept of resolutions with the Christian principle of - PURPOSE.

Today, consider prioritizing and making PURPOSE first in your life which would look like this-

#1 Priority - Establishing and/or strengthening your relationship with God and making PURPOSE a part of your everyday life.

#2 Priority - Place your goals, desires and relationships with other people (i.e., family, friends, business, job, the world) after PURPOSE.

I'm not telling you what I heard, I am telling you what I know for myself and what you can have as well. If you feel like you keep reaching for what the world tells you is best, but you just keep feeling lost emotionally, unfilled and not at peace, then consider it's time to respond to that small still voice that lingers within you.

Reverse the order of your life and put God and purpose first, you will make room for God's presence in your life and you will see your life change 360 degrees for the better and witness your PURPOSE, goals and desires manifest beyond anything you could have ever imagined.

Something to consider -

Re-prioritizing and putting GOD AND PURPOSE FIRST

With Love,

Brinda Devine






If you are new to the idea of purpose, I encourage you purchase my first book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Purpose videos on this website.


If you know your purpose, I encourage you to purchase my second book, Authentication Process (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Authentication Process on this website.


Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose and her second book, Authentication Process. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose Institute, an organization with a mission to share the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our everyday lives.


You can find more at: @discoveryourpurpose8

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