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The Calling/ Pressed

I continue to read the Book of Ezekiel. In Chapter 9, God has taken the prophet Ezekiel in a vision and shown him the coming destruction of Jerusalem which includes the slaughter of people who have sinned or helped others to sin. Those men that have been found to be pious to God are marked with a mark on their foreheads and are not to be harmed. In the midst of the slaughter, the prophet Ezekiel cries out and asks God will he destroy the residue of Israel in his fury against Jerusalem? God's finishes what he commanded, but those he marks in Jerusalem as his are saved.

The prophet Ezekiel was pressed in situation he did not want to be a part of. God does not let us pick our calling. He designs and calls us to do what he wants. Even though I know this, I sometimes struggle with it because my flesh likes to be comfortable and not be stretched too far. But, I know that God has other plans.

I have been in a situation that for years that aggravates and drains me, but I know that in the midst of it God is preparing me for a new level. Many days I feel pressed, definitely not at the level of the prophet Ezekiel, but pressed spiritually as I remain in an environment where I don't belong. But on the other side, I can see strategically that my situation holds a greater lesson, a place where God is getting me ready emotionally and spiritually for the next level of purpose.

Wishing you and me a wonderful day.

With Love

Brinda Devine




If you are new to the idea of purpose, I encourage you purchase my first book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Purpose videos on this website.


If you know your purpose, I encourage you to purchase my second book, Authentication Process (available on this website and Amazon) and visit the website posts and Channel: Authentication Process on this website.


Brinda Devine, is the author of her signature book, Discover Your Value, Discover Your Purpose and her second book, Authentication Process. Brinda is also the founder of Purpose Institute, an organization with a mission to share the importance of making PURPOSE FIRST in our everyday lives.


You can find more at:

Instagram @discoveryourpurpose8

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